Mihai Boicu                          

Published Research Reports (6)

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, Agent Learning for Mixed-Initiative Knowledge Acquisition, AFOSR Final Technical Report, 36 pages, Learning Agents Center, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, February 2010. Available here: http://lac.gmu.edu/publications/2010/FA9550-07-1-0268-Final-TR.pdf

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, David Schum, Dorin Marcu, Coping with the Complexity of Intelligence Analysis: Cognitive Assistants for Evidence-based Reasoning, Research Report 7, 45 pages, Learning Agents Center, August 2009, updated October 2009.

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, Learning-Based Knowledge Representation, Research Report 4, 26 pages, Learning Agents Center, September 8, 2007. Available here: http://lac.gmu.edu/publications/2008/LAC%20Report%204%20-%202008.pdf

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, A Guide for Ontology Development with Disciple, Research Report 3, 38 pages, Learning Agents Center, August 22, 2008. Available here: http://lac.gmu.edu/publications/2008/LAC%20Report%203%20-%202008.pdf

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, Intelligent Assistants for Distributed Knowledge Acquisition, Integration, Validation, and Maintenance, Final Report for the AFRL Grant # FA8750-04-1-0257, 36 pages, Learning Agents Center, Fairfax, VA 22030, April 4, 2008. Available here:

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, Cindy Ayers, Dorin Marcu, Vu Le, Cristina Boicu, Marcel Barbulescu, Disciple-LTA: Analyst's Cognitive Assistant, 17 pages, Research Report 1, Learning Agents Center, March 10, 2007. Available here: http://lac.gmu.edu/publications/2007/PRP_GMU_070310_Disciple-LTA.pdf